E-commerce - Black Basil Technologies


Ecommerce Store
AI for Business

Setting up online marketplaces, online stores, and mobile apps is what we do for clients in the E-commerce space.

With an online store, companies can sell to customers around the world, without having to worry about physical locations or time zones. This opens up new markets and revenue streams, allowing businesses to grow and prosper.

Through the implementation of e-commerce, we provide a customized shopping experience. By analyzing customer data and behaviour, businesses can create a more relevant and engaging shopping experience by tailoring their offerings to meet the needs and preferences of individual customers.

To ensure their e-commerce operations run smoothly and meet customer expectations, businesses must invest in the right technology and processes.

Ecommerce Solutions

At Black Basil Technologies, we are ecommerce experts who provide cutting-edge solutions to grow your online sales. With experience empowering brands like Zing, Jubilant Foodworks, and Pizza Hut, we are trusted to maximize ecommerce success.

Our innovative ecommerce solutions are designed to:

Increase Revenue with Voice AI 

– Our sales voice AI assistants engage customers to drive more purchases.

Streamline Legacy Systems 

– We seamlessly integrate new ecommerce technology with your legacy systems and data.

Boost Conversions 

– Our data-driven recommendations, promotions, and seamless checkout process convert visitors into customers.

Enhance Customer Experiences 

– We create personalized engagements with smart carts, voice search, and tailored deals.

Gain Data Insights 

– Our unified analytics dashboard tracks all key ecommerce metrics in real-time so you can optimize performance.

Trusted by Leading Brands

We have successfully delivered legacy modernization and ecommerce solutions for clients like Zing, Jubilant Foodworks, Pizza Hut, and more. Our expertise integrating new systems with legacy databases, ERPs, and CRMs provides a unified customer view and seamless experience.

Tailored Ecommerce for Your Brand

We recognize every brand has unique needs. Our tailored ecommerce packages include:

Ecommerce Platform Setup

Our experts handle design, development, integration, and migration to launch your store.

Smart Product Recommendations

Drive higher order values as our algorithms suggest relevant products to customers.

Promotions and Deals

We create targeted promotions and offers designed around your customers’ interests to encourage repeat purchases.

Voice AI Assistants

Let customers use natural language to search products and get purchasing assistance via voice AI.

Multiple Payment Options

We consolidate payments into one unified gateway and support integration with Multiple methods from cards to digital wallets.

Take Your Ecommerce to the Next Level with Black Basil

Reach new customers and maximize revenue potential online. Our ecommerce solutions are backed by proven expertise to help your business succeed. Contact us today to get started!

Read Our Success Stories

Restaurant Management

Restaurant Management

ORDER AND CROWD MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS A Case Study Implemented On Comidor Challenges: Let us talk about the issues faced in a traditional restaurant setup. Dining Experience: Customers have to wait for an uncertain time to get a table when the … Read More

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Office Marketplace Application

Office Marketplace Application

Black Basil built an office market place application for a real estate firm based out in UK which streamlined the office bookings and increased the revenue for the client by 80% and disrupted the way people book the offices. … Read More

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Self-Service Platform: State of the Art Speech Recognition AI

Our tech leadership contributed to an open source ASR toolkit which can be used to build state of the art ASR models from scratch using lesser resources and faster roll outs resulting in AI innovation in spoken languages … Read More

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Ai in Finance
