Self-Service Platform for Building State of the Art Speech Recognition

Self-Service Platform: State of the Art Speech Recognition AI

Self-service Platform for building Speech Recognition Models

Our tech leadership contributed to an open source ASR toolkit which can be used to build state of the art ASR models from scratch using lesser resources and faster roll outs resulting in AI innovation in spoken languages

Art Speech Recognition AI

About Company

The company is a non-profit organisation in ed-tech having the mission is to improve literacy and numeracy by enhancing access to learning opportunities for 200 million children in India.




Built an end to end MLOps pipeline for building datasets and deep learning models for Speech recognition.

Provided thought leadership on data strategy and created strategies for data acquisition, data
analysis, data filtering, data identification of audio datasets.

The platform was built on GCP and airflow for building the orchestration pipeline.

All the required infrastructure could be built  just by running few commands using Terraform

Tech: MLFlow, Kubernetes, Airflow, Python, MongoDB, Postgres, GCP, Terraform

Self-Service Platform: State of the Art Speech Recognition AI

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