We prioritize data security and privacy. Leverage the power of data analysis with complete peace of mind.
Our AI engine simplifies the process of extracting key insights and crafting impactful data stories. No coding experience required!
Go beyond dashboards! Gain clear, actionable insights that inform better decision-making across your organization.
Communicate complex data insights to any audience with clear, engaging stories.
Drive data-driven decision making based on actionable insights.
Kaiwa operates within your infrastructure, ensuring data privacy is never a concern. With role-based access control, your data stays where it belongs—secure and private.
Save time and resources with an automated data storytelling process.
Mitigate risks by identifying potential issues and opportunities through data analysis.
Get deeper insights not just as graphs, but in the for comprehendible story
Ask questions using speech in your dialect and receive interactive, spoken responses, making communication more intuitive and efficient.
Connect with CSV, PDF, RDBMS, Hadoop, MongoDB
Gain insights from your database with charts and graphs for effective data understanding and presentation.
Seamlessly connect your realtime database, ask questions and get insights instantly
Easily integrate the KAIWA into any data-oriented product to enhance functionality and user experience.
Say goodbye to technical roadblocks and hello to a future where AI works for you, effortlessly. Join Kaiwa, and let’s embark on this exciting journey together.